Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bodie Kale

With Jesse being on call this week, we decided we would do a little celebrating on Bodie's birthday but his parties will actually be on the 9th and 10th!! So here is how we celebrated it at home...

Some cake and presents...

He would tear a piece off then hand it to us. :) He loved it though...

Going to show daddy what he got!!

A fun learning and ride toy!!

A Birthday cupcake.. YUMMY!!

Daddy decided to help a little bit!
On Saturday, Bill and Cindy (Jesse's parents) came to visit, watch Austin's game, and bring Bodie his big bday gift! We enjoyed our visit!! The kids loved having them at our house.

Sunday we decided to go outside and get some use out of the new gift Bodie got. So we bundled up...

He loves his new wagon! He loves the fact that it has a door, has seats with seatbelts, and even has cupholders. SO COOL!! He loves to climb in and out of it, and he even shares it with his big sister. :)

1 comment:

Sonya said...

WOW, Bodie got some Awsome gifts!! Such a sweety:)