Monday, January 5, 2009

Let the Dieting Start...

The start of this week has been a rough one. We took a week off of homeschooling just to have a small Christmas break, and now it is tough to get back to our routine. I am sure we will get there eventually. On Monday, I started back on Weight Watchers. I have done this program before and was very sucessful. Of course then I quit and have gained weight. So hopefully this will work again. Let me tell you though on Monday, day one of starting I thought I could starve. Jesse kept saying you have points so use them... He is so helpful. During the day I am fine but it is at night time while he is eating candy and ice cream. Yeah! Today has been good I got up ate breakfast, worked out, cleaned, homeschooled, and now blogging. Still have lots of points left so I am going to save them for this evening. Wish me luck!
Austin and Hailee have gotten along great today, which has been so nice. They haven't had many of the arguements and fights they usually do. Here is a picture of them!
Hailee got a Colts Jersey for her birthday so that she can be like her brother. Here they are so cute in thier jersey's. Hailee is supporting Peyton Manning while Austin is all about J. Addai.
Hailee has been teaching her Daddy to dollhouse over the past couple days. Jesse is a good sport and really tries. Soon he will be a pro.
Jesse is not on call this week, thank goodness. So hopefully we will get alot done. It has been super crazy around here with the holidays and ON CALL with work so I am ready for things to slow down a bit. This weekend we are planning on taking the kids out to eat and do some fun family things since we couldn't do it last week. Should be fun and I will talk lots of pics. Hope you all are having a great start of the week:)


Chasity said...

Good luck w/ the dieting...always been a struggle w/ me :( Six of us ladies at work did Weight Watchers for about 2 months this summer and, of course, we started out strong but then fell off one by one...I'll be praying for you to have strength to resist that candy & ice cream that mean 'ol Jesse eats in front of you!!! LOL

April Stilwell said...

Just get through the first week and you should be fine :) Good luck!!! I'm here to support you! I'm trying to lose my baby weight by Sydnee's first birthday. Considering that's in a month and I have 14 lbs to go...not sure if that's going to happen. Why does food have to be so yummy and delicious?????

Amber Velazco said...

Yea WW!!! I'm a big supporter! I'm on my third year but sadly took a few months of for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm back to it and I really do love the lifestyle of WW. I know a bunch of tricks and low point good food so if you want any help let me know. As far as Ice cream goes, Breyers FF ice creams are only 1 point per serving and just for the record, Scott and I agree, it's the creamiest and best ice cream we've had.

Laura Raber said...

Sarah-who is Lovely Lady? I'd like to hear her tricks! And just for the record-I think you already look great! Please pray for me to stick with it this time...I did it for 3 months about a year ago and lost 21 pounds (and almost gained it all back).