Monday, January 12, 2009

Productive Sunday

On Sunday, I was geared up and ready to be productive. I did get alot of cleaning done, organizing my homeschool mess, cleaning closets, and loads of laundry done. All of this way stuff that really needed to be done. Jesse worked on putting boxes in the attic, worked on his truck a little bit, cleaned the garage, and cleaned out our rabbit (chomper) cage. Overall I think we got lots accomplished. We of course had to take breaks to play the Wii, and playstation 3 with Austin and Hailee.
My brother came up that day, so he took Austin to WalMart because Austin was wanting to buy Wii Fit. He wants it for the Shaun White Snowboarding game, but I know he will like the Fit part of it to. He is always up for a challange. Clayton of course has to try it out. His Wii fit age was 20 so he thought he was doing great since he is 22.
Austin was mad cause his wii fit age was um... 28. LOL. He wasn't real good at balancing but is practicing real hard at it. Here he is doing the two player race with a huge grin on his precious face.
Hailee wasn't into it to much, I think she will stick to the ice cream with Chocolate syrup. LOL. She loves her ice cream very much..
The kids have actually gotten along so good over the last week through the weekend. I have caught them on the couch watching movies together. Here is a pic of them. They look so sweet.

And now its Monday, I can't believe how fast the weekend flys bye. Jesse is back at work, while we are hitting the books. We have alot to do today so I better get to it. Have a great week!


April Stilwell said...

That picture of Austin and Hailee is so cute!!!!! I hope Parker and Sydnee are that close!

Chelsa said...

the weekends do go way too fast! and i'm sticking w/ hailey and her ice cream w/ chocolate syrup :)