Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I really have alot on my mind today and am lost in knowing what to do. My son Austin recently has told his father that he doesn't want him to be his dad. Austin is 9 years old and has been through alot in life. He has been let down so many times by his father. He hasn't seen his dad since December the last part. A few months have went by since Austin told his father this, with no word out of his father. Until today... I recieve a text saying, " Can I have Austin this weekend?" I simply replied Austin has soccer. Austin is so big into soccer, and his first game is Saturday. Then a text back saying, "What time?" I replied, " You need to call and talk to Austin about it." He replies, " K on my lunch." I told Austin what was going on and he starts crying. He is shaky, and says I told him I don't want him to be my dad. What am I to do? I am lost on the answer but I turn to God and just pray. Meanwhile Austin is crying so I simply tell him that he has to be the one to talk to his father and decide on what to do. I can't be that person, he has to be. After listening to my son cry and be in pain I text his father back and let him know, "You have Austin crying and upset, he says nothing has changed his mind about things he said." At that it has been left.
I just don't understand how one thinks that being a parent means you can pop in and out of ones life. Um NO.
I simply am asking for some prayers to guide me and Austin with the answers. I dislike that my son has to go through this and wish I could change things. He is a great young man, and deserves the best, not heartache and pain.


Kristin said...

Aww..Sarah I had tears come to my eyes just reading this. It is such a tough situation. I just hope that Austin's wishes are respected, and that he will not have anymore heartache. You are a great mom and Jesse is a great dad,and with the both of you, Austin will get through this tough time. You guys are in my thoughts!

Ashley said...

Oh Sarah I know this has to be extremely hard for Austin. But he can make a decision and knows deep down what he feels is right for him. I just pray for the right guidance for you and your family. I know this will always be a strugle now and in the future.